So over the weekend I just got plain tired of looking at my braids so I took them out. Although my hair grew quite a bit I had already made up in my mind that I wanted to start over. Not completely, but for the most part. My hair was decent length but I wanted something different and a good starting point for my new hair journey. So I cut it. I relaxed it, colored and cut it. For my relaxer I used Soft and Beautiful. This is the only relaxer I use. As far as color, I used and did almost everything I wasn't suppose to. You are NOT suppose to use a permanent color on your hair on the same day you use a relaxer but I did. Well, I used a jet black rinse on the top and I used two different reds and brands on the back. Yes, the back of my hair is a dark red and yes, I did it twice in one day. All wrong. The good thing is it did turn out cute and my hair was not damaged. Just in case something happens down the road, I wont post the brands of the colors yet but I plan to do another set of coloring in two weeks and at that time I will include product names and the steps I used. Now as far as cutting, I cut until I was satisfied. I cut about three to four inches off of every layer of my hair. Below are pics of the length of my hair before I put my twists in and my hair grew about two inches while they were in. But I got rid of all that. So far, I love the new cut. I get bored easily but for the sake of the hair journey I'm going to try to ride this out the right way. So no more big chops, over processing or experimenting with chemicals. I am repenting and turning away from that to see if it makes a huge difference in the growth of my hair. I don't have a regimen written out yet but I will have one completed by the end of this week to share with you all. I know castor oil is going to be one of the main things I use to aid in the hair growth process. Lets see where I end up by the time winter gets here. So anyway that's all for now. Below are pics of the front and sides of my hair and sometime this week Ill have someone else take a picture of the back so you all can see the color. Alright ladies enjoy.......
these are before pics from 3 months ago so my hair was this length before I cut it plus 2 addition inches
no makeup but my face has cleared up a great deal since then thanks to milk of magnesia. I will do an update
and these are the after pics of the new hair cut!
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